Lame Filler Post

May 4, 2006

1.What time did you get up this morning? 9:45

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds

3. What was the last film you saw at the movies? V for Vendetta

4. What is your favourite TV show? Lost
5. What did you have for breakfast? All Bran & Skim Milk

6. What is your middle name? Rose

7. What is your favourite cuisine? Thai Chicken Salad

8. What foods do you dislike? Cheese and Tomatos

9. What is your favourite chip flavour? BBQ

10. What is your favourite CD at the moment? Avalanche - Matthew Good

11. What type of car do you drive? Chevy Corsica

12. What characteristics do you despise? dishonnesty, snootiness, egomania

13. Favourite items of clothing? shoes

14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? somewhere with a beach

15. What colour is your bathroom? white

16. Favourite brand of clothing? anything cute

17. Where would you like to retire to? A beach

18. Favourite time of the day? night

19. What was your most memorable birthday? ummm who cares

20. Where were you born? Edmonton
21. Favourite sport to watch? golf

24. What fabric detergent do you use? Tide

25. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

26. Are you a morning person or a night owl? night owl

27. What is your shoe size? 9.5 - 10
28. Do you have any pets? doggie and fishies

30. What did you want to be when you were little? paleontologist

31. When is your birthday? 11.19.1982

32. Shampoo? pert plus

33. Soap? something from fruits and passions, it smells like lemon cake


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