I know what you are thinking, and the answer is YES, I did make all those solutions that are now the picture in the header.
It's because I'm a master titrator, and also, some kind of chemistry genius.
I've taken a liking to roaming the halls in my lab coat and goggles, like some kind of mad scientist.
Today was my last day of student teaching...and man, is my evaluation a thing of genius. I'm not to sure how I pulled this off, but I must say, I've impressed myself lol
Somehow I ended up liking teaching chem, and it's really surprised me. I"m going to miss those crazy kids.
Now I just have to decide whether or not I want to apply for teaching jobs in the fall, or if I want to just bum around or something.
Hard to say
I have to get up in 4 hours, work work work. booooourns
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
20 hours ago