Weekly Weigh in #2

October 9, 2011

Last week: 231.4lbs
This week: 232.4lbs
Overall: +1lb

A gain is never what you want to see on a weight loss journey.  I know it's only a pound, but I was really hoping to break into the 220's, and now I've gained.  FRIG!

The challenge continues, I'm 100% on plan, eating all the food and drinking all the water.  I'm in this for the long haul, a 1lb gain is not going to derail me.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the other Canadians out there!


the strawberry said...

Have you thought about starting the hardcore plan? I just went grocery shopping Saturday night so I'm not starting that until next week but whatever helps us get to January 1 weight! :))

Stephanie said...

I think I'm going to do the hardcore plan next week as well. Onwards and downwards to January!

hailey said...

Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you about a link on your site that is reported as an attack page and may affect your site. Please email me back and I would be happy to point them out to you.

Hailey William

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